Investment license is a document issued by a competent state agency to an investor when carrying out investment project activities in Vietnam. It shows all Investor information. When there is a change in their information such as phone number, email, capital contribution representative for the organization or address of the economic organization investing in the Company. Enterprises can follow procedures to notify the licensing agency to update the information on the license.
Changes made by the Investor are not required to amend the Investment License
When the investor has a change in personal information such as:
▶️ Change email.
▶️ Change phone number.
▶️ Change of permanent address or current place of residence.
▶️ Change of passport.
▶️ Change the information of the representative of the capital contributing organization.
This information is not obligatory for the Investor to carry out adjustment procedures when there is a change. So the business can incorporate other changes later.
Cases where it is required to UPDATE MORE INVESTOR INFORMATION on the investment license
For the cases specified in the following terms, the Investor is required to carry out the procedures for adjusting the Investment License according to regulations:
Changes to the contents of Articles 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 of Decree 118/2015/ND-CP. To download Decree 118/2015/ND-CP here.
For a free consultation procedure UPDATE MORE INVESTOR INFORMATION please contact ABA VISA by Hotline 0938165817.
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