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Study in Korea with D2-1 visa while studying and working

Study in Korea with D2-1 visa while studying and working Korea is not only famous as a country with many attractive tourist attractions, it also develops many industries such as:

Shipbuilding (Korea became the number one shipbuilder in the world with 50.6% global market share) Famous Korean shipbuilders include Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Daewoo and STX Offshore & Shipbuilding.

Electronic is also one of the main industries of Korea. 17.1% Korea's export turnover is semiconductors due to Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix manufacturing.

Automotive industry is one of Korea's key export and growth industries making it one of the world's largest auto producers.

Entertainment industry with the appearance of groups like BTS, Blackpink nice Squid Game – popular hit TV series on Netflix and Oscar-winning movies like Parasite… all have made Korea a new "entertainment capital" of the world and have an influence on global culture.

With strong economic potential in the region and in the world, Korea has always become a study abroad destination for students all over the world in particular and Vietnam in general with the dream of expanding their horizons. own worldview.

Or simply dreaming of meeting the K-pop Idols that I admire on the street in Korea.

In addition, when choosing to study in Korea, you can also approach, learn and experience new inventions and technologies – you can easily see Robot services everywhere from restaurants, hotels, outdoor exhibitions or even at the airport.

In addition to enjoying a world-class education. A degree in Korea is like a quality VIP card for employers to choose you to the shortlist and easily exclude other obscure names. And help you have the "right to choose" the Country and Company you want to work for. So let's join ABA VISA & Law Services to find out what is the hottest Korean study abroad program D2-1 visa while studying and working!

Why should you choose to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying and working?

Should choose to study in Korea D2-1 visa while studying and working because: 

Unlike a Student visa D4-1 nice D4-6 This program helps you save costs, both study and work through the form of internships in the field of pay directly from the companies that the University or College recommends to you.

When you choose to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa, you will be interviewed directly with the School you attend and will be consulted and answered questions during your studies as well as paid internships at Korea.

In addition to studying at the school, you are allowed to work part-time according to regulations for international students. So this is also a significant source of income if you work hard. With this type of visa you are allowed to work 25 hours/week and full-time on holidays.

Colleges and Universities in Korea always give special priority to international students if you study well, the school always supports scholarships from 30-100% during the next semesters of the year. learn.

To create conditions for students to have a quality study program with the most suitable cost. We have supported FREE one year tuition fee, 6 months dormitory, air ticket, insurance, visa, documents. Please contact ABA VISA & Law Services as soon as possible because the number is limited and only applies to a certain number of semesters.

What is a D2-1 Visa?

D2-1 visa or Korean student visa D2-1 is an official college or university student visa in this country. The program is designed between learning 40% theory with the number of hours of study and the number of hours of paid internship is 60%. The majors are trained such as: Medicine, Pharmacy, Marketing, Information Technology, Law, Business, Chef, Fashion, Cosmetology, Tourism, Hotel Management...

Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Study in Korea with D2-1 visa while studying and working

Is it easy to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying and working?

Actually, studying in Korea with a D2-1 visa is very easy to study while working if you fully meet the program's requirements such as Korean language proficiency. Or age tfrom 22 to 33 years old, this is the age when you have just completed your secondary school, college or university programs…and have had a certain amount of time to work after graduation. 

Studying abroad in Korea with a D2-1 visa is possible while studying and working because you receive direct support and advice from ABA VISA & Law Services. We always accompany you throughout the process of preparing documents and visas until you come to study in Korea.

Which industries are suitable for the current trend of studying in Korea with a D2-1 visa?

Study abroad in Korea for Cosmetology - Beauty

For those of you who love beauty, this is definitely a suitable choice. Beauty - Beauty, Surgery - Cosmetology is one of the hottest trends today in Korea.

The country is one of the famous powerhouses in the beauty industry. When you choose to study this major, you will have a lot of internship opportunities. Job opportunities in this industry are very high.

Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Beauty care – Beauty industry

Korean students studying in Beauty will receive training from the knowledge of beauty care in general and other specific specialties in particular such as:

  • Learn how to apply makeup and use makeup tools.
  • Learn beauty related issues - beauty, beauty improvement such as liposuction, skin tightening, tattooing, plastic surgery.
  • Learn about the Cosmetics Industry.
  • Learn skin care.
  • Spa and Massage Training
  • Nails, Hair…
Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Cosmetic Surgery

Some training schools in Korea to study beauty:

  • Seo Kyung University
  • Youngsan University
  • Songwon University
  • Hansung University
  • Masan University
  • Gyeongju University
  • Sungshin Women's University
  • Kwangju Women's University
  • Seojeong College
  • Yong-in College SongDam
  • Cheju Halla College

please contact Hotline: 0938165817 for direct advice and guidance according to your desire and level of study

After completing the Korean study abroad program D2-1 visa while studying and working – Cosmetology - Beauty industry then your job opportunities will be expanded not only in Vietnam or Korea but also in the international market - where Asian beauty is always favored. This is the field of study that anticipates future career trends that you should grasp.

Studying in Korea, majoring in Fashion Design

Like Paris, Milan, Korea is also considered a fashion capital in the heart of Asia. Compared to Asian countries, Korea is especially strong in the field of fashion.

In the capital city of South Korea, Seoul regularly organizes international fashion weeks, events with performances and participation of A-list stars or K-pop Idols.

When you choose to study Fashion Design while studying in Korea, you will have many opportunities to learn and popularize fashion styles according to new trends.

Korea is a country famous for its beauty and the way Koreans create fashion products that always lead the trend of the world and are extremely popular with Vietnamese people.

Because of the similarity in culture, the dress style between Vietnamese and Korean people is creating career opportunities when studying in Korea in fashion design.

Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Studying in Korea, majoring in Fashion Design

Studying abroad in Tourism - Hospitality

If you love to travel or communicate with many people, you can choose Tourism, Hospitality, as well as Event Organization. Job opportunities for this profession are not only in Korea but also in Vietnam.

Up to now, the number of Korean investors investing in building hotels as well as travel companies in Vietnam is increasing. Especially, event programs in Vietnam are lacking in skilled and highly skilled human resources. Should travel Tourism - Hospitality industry is an option that matches the career trend in the near future.

Study abroad in Korea, majoring in business administration - International trade

Business Administration is one of the most popular majors in the world today. If you want to be the leaders, managers of the future or take over the company from the family, the MBA and International Trade is the right choice.

Korea from an economy only equal to Vietnam in the 1950s, with the talented leadership of the leaders, helped Korea become the 11th largest economy in the world and the top of the miraculously developed countries. consecutively for many years.

Korean students studying business administration - International trade after graduation can become:

  • Managing director
  • finance director
  • Business management
  • Office manager
  • Human resources management
  • Business Administration Consultant
  • Marketers
  • Analyst
  • Market research
  • Professional staff (sales staff, planners, finance, accounting, banking, logictis)…
Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Korean Student Visa Code

Study abroad in Engineering - Mechatronics - Information Technology

Electronics, Mechanics or Automation, Information Technology is one of the majors worth choosing when studying in Korea. Because the applicability of this industry is quite high, you can choose to work in Korea or Vietnam after graduation.

Some famous technology corporations in Korea can be mentioned as SAMSUNG, LG, HYUNDAI… And in fact, the engineering industry in Korea can be compared with big countries like Japan or the US. Especially when choosing these professions in Korea, the cost will be cheaper than choosing to study in other developed countries. So this will also be one of the wise choices when studying in Korea.

Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Studying abroad in Korea, majoring in information technology

With the shift of Vietnam's economy to the automotive, engineering, high-tech, electronic industries... will need a lot of highly trained personnel from developed countries. Therefore, studying in Korea in engineering, technology, electronics and mechanics will be extremely potential in the future.

Some prominent Korean universities that train information technology:

  • Ajou University (Suwon).
  • Soong-sil University (Seoul).
  • Sunmoon University (Asan).
  • Sangmyung University (Seoul and Cheonan).
  • Sungkyunkwan University (Seoul).

Some prominent Korean universities offering Engineering majors:

  • Kumoh Technical University.
  • Pohang University. 
  • Kaist University. 
  • Hanyang University.

Some prominent Korean universities that offer Mechatronics majors:

  • Institute of Science learn and Advanced Technology Korea (KAIST).
  • National University Chonnam family.
  • University Sejong.
  • University Department learn and technology country from Seoul.

Studying in Communication - Marketing - PR

This is a career suitable for those who have an extroverted personality and a lot of ideas. Korea is known as the land of communication - marketing - Pr.
From music, movies to fashion, Korea is spreading and spreading strongly to Asian countries and is gradually spreading around the world.

Everyone knows the famous groups, classic Korean movies or game shows with admirably high ratings. All of them affirm for a prominently developed Media industry in Korea.

So if you choose to study Communication - Marketing - Pr in Korea, this will be the perfect choice for your future study and career direction.

Some prominent Korean universities training Communication - Marketing - PR

  • Chung Ang University.
  • Ajou University.
  • Sogang University.
  • Kookmin University.
  • Kyung Hee Cyber University.
  • Dongduk Women's University.
  • Seoul Women's University.
  • Seoul Cyber University.
  • Ewha Women's University.
  • Hongik University.
Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Study in Korea with D2-1 visa while studying and working

Studying in Korea for graphic design

Multimedia Fine Arts, Graphic Design involves jobs such as designing cartoons, banner ads, graphics, etc. This is one of the professions worth learning.

Graphic design industry has very high application in Vietnam as well as Korea now need a lot of human resources in this field. Therefore, your chances of finding a job will also increase significantly.

Korea has always been known for its simple but extremely luxurious and beautiful designs. Not only Vietnam but almost all countries around the world prefer Korean designs.

The design knowledge and skills learned from Korea will be instrumental in enhancing your career opportunities not only domestically but also internationally.

Studying abroad in Law

According to the statistics of the Salary Expert page of the Institute of Economic Research, 100% lawyers in Korea are all highly educated. With overwhelming numbers in terms of education and status, it is not difficult to see that the personnel working in the Law industry are talented, intellectual and respected people by society.

In Korea, there are only 25 universities licensed by the Government to provide postgraduate law training.
Therefore, law students in general and lawyers in particular are all outstanding talents of Korea.

What are your career opportunities after completing the Study Abroad program in Korea?

With a prestigious degree from leading Korean universities and the opportunity to practice during their studies, bachelors, masters and doctorates of law can take on jobs in the following fields:

  • Advising clients on legal rights
  • Representing clients in criminal and civil lawsuits
  • Research, collect evidence, interview clients and witnesses
  • Arguing testimonies in divorce, civil, criminal… to form defenses or initiate legal action
  • Representing clients in court and before judicial or administrative authorities of the government
  • Personnel at the Supreme Court, City/Local Court, etc.

In addition, the opportunity to work in Korea for foreign students after graduation: Become a Legal Consultant

Following Korea's ratification of free trade agreements with the EU and the US, the demand for specialized legal expertise increased. As a result, more and more companies are looking to legal consultants to provide a wide range of legal services.

Law students cannot work in Korea as a lawyer, but can simultaneously become a foreign legal consultant.

Code visa Du học Hàn Quốc
Korean Student Visa Code

Studying abroad in Medicine 

Just like law, studying in Korea is one of the most desirable fields for Korean and international students. Studying Medicine in Korea, you firmly hold the key to success for your future career path.

Careers medical students can become:

  • General practitioner: general examination of patients without specializing in any one area
  • Specialist doctor: specializes in some parts of the human body: teeth - jaw - face; ear, nose and throat; Dermatology; orthopedic; Heart; Endocrine;…
  • Surgeon: main job is to participate in surgery
  • Obstetricians and Gynecologists: participate in family planning, counseling, and health care for fetuses and pregnant women.
  • Nurses (nurses): take care of patients, carry out the doctor's orders...

Some prominent Korean universities offer medical training

  • Ajou University.
  • Kwangdon Catholic University.
  • Deagu Catholic University.
  • Korean Catholic University.
  • Cheju National University.
  • Jeonbuk National University.
  • Chonnam National University.
  • Chosun University.
  • Chung-Ang University.
  • Chungbuk National University.
  • Chungnam National University.
  • Ewha Women's University.
  • Gachon Medical University.
  • Gyeongsang National University.
  • Faculty of Medicine, Korea University.
  • Kosin University.
  • Kyung Hee University.
  • Department of Medicine, Kyungpook National University.
  • Pusan National University.
  • Seoul National University.
  • Soonchunhyang University.
  • Sungkyunkwan University.
Du học Hàn Quốc visa D2-1 vừa học vừa làm
Study in Korea with D2-1 visa while studying and working

To apply for the Korean study abroad program D2-1 visa while studying and working, you need to meet which conditions?

+ Required age: from 22 to 33.
+ Graduated: Intermediate, College, University (right major).
+ Already have TOPIK 2 (for Intermediate and College systems) or TOPIK 3 (for University systems).

What is TOPIC?

TOPIK stands for the phrase Test of Proficiency in Korean, in Korean 한국어능력시험 TOPIK is understood as the Korean language proficiency test, organized by the Korean National Institute of International Education, for those who Korean is not a mother tongue. TOPIK is the basis for assessing Korean language proficiency when applying for a job, studying or applying for a scholarship to study abroad in Korea.

Required documents for the Korean study abroad program D2-1 visa while studying and working

  • Passport,
  • Intermediate degree or College degree, University degree (Right major),
  • Bank book over 20,000 usd, (equivalent to 471,000,000 VND)
  • Household,
  • Birth,
  • Health Certification,
  • TB medical certificate,
  • Certificate of parents' work and income,
  • Financial commitment letter (If you are not eligible for financial proof, please contact Hotline 0938165817).

When studying in Korea with a D2-1 visa, what benefits do you have while studying and working?

Low cost, have time to study and practice for a salary.

Get support for problems when you are studying abroad and support to find a job, sponsor relatives. 

The following years, the tuition fee will be ½ fee or much less -> free if the student studies well and has a scholarship. 

Get a visa to work in Korea after completing graduation.

In recent years, schools have made a stronger commitment to the ability to transfer E7 visas after completing the D4-6 Vocational Study Abroad program. Students who meet the following conditions will have the opportunity to be transferred to an E7 visa

  • Complete the program with a promotion rate of 90%.
  • Obtained certificate of completion of integrated social project level 4 or higher.
  • Obtain a national certificate of equivalent discipline.

Opportunity to receive a permanent residence visa (F5) in Korea after 3 years of working and can apply for Korean Citizenship.

Get 6 months free dormitory, airfare, insurance, visa, documents and one year of tuition fee (If you register via Hotline: 0938165817).

The application process is fast, concise and guided in detail by immigration lawyers and teachers of schools in Korea.

How much does a D2-1 visa cost?

Includes 6 months of dormitory, airfare, insurance, visa, application and one year of tuition – Please message or contact Hotline: 0938165817 or Zalo/ WhatsApp for a direct quote.

Endow: The next year's tuition support is only ½ fee compared to the first time or you will receive a full scholarship depending on the student's learning ability.

Why choose you should ABA VISA to advise studying in Korea D2-1 visa while studying and working?

✔ Get free advice and offer an effective visa application plan for each specific case.

✔ The application process is fast, concise and guided in detail by immigration lawyers and teachers of schools in Korea.

Low cost, get support for problems when you are studying abroad and support to find a job, sponsor relatives.

✔ Free 6 months of dormitory, airfare, insurance, visa, documents and one year of tuition.

Save time for visa processing, support the fastest processing of documents.

✔ Representing customers to submit documents and return visa results to customers quickly and conveniently.

✔ Accompanying customers throughout the process of using the service in Vietnam and in Korea.

See more:

Study abroad as a Korean engineer with visa D4-6

Studying abroad with a Korean visa D4-1

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Content of the article Why should you choose to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying and working? What is a D2-1 visa? Is it easy to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying? Which industries are suitable for trend of studying in Korea with D2-1 visa today?Study in Korea with a major in Beauty

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Content of the article Why should you choose to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying and working? What is a D2-1 visa? Is it easy to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying? Which industries are suitable for trend of studying in Korea with D2-1 visa today?Study in Korea with a major in Beauty

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Content of the article Why should you choose to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying and working? What is a D2-1 visa? Is it easy to study in Korea with a D2-1 visa while studying? Which industries are suitable for trend of studying in Korea with D2-1 visa today?Study in Korea with a major in Beauty

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